A complete 100% hands-on education for $10,000. 12 months and you’re ready to work in the Music Industry. Our staff consists of the most well-established engineers in Texas. We teach in 6-minute segments so your mind stays active at all times. One-click sign up for completely hands-on program.
We tailored these sets of classes and Labs to allow you to work HANDS-ON in the studio. You will learn the tricks of the trade in Audio Recording, and most importantly, Audio Engineering.
If you are serious about being in the Music Business, all the Audio Training in the world won’t make a difference in your success as an Audio Engineer without complete knowledge of the Music Business.

We simplified the process and expedited the lesson plans so that you will absorb the info faster and can apply your knowledge immediately in a Lab setting. After each class, you will work in Labs practicing…
We teach you the software first. After that, you will learn true Beat Structure that will enable you to make your own tracks and beats. We also break down current hit songs so that you understand the layers…
A. I. T. Audio Engineering Program

If you watch TV, you know that the majority of the work for producers and engineers is working with aspiring vocalists and songwriters. We have an in-house vocal school so AIT students can network and work with talented singers. Learn More

-Steve Womack
“I checked them all out online and even visited over 8 so called campuses and studio programs. AIT was by far, and I mean by far, the best in this state in my opinion.”
Most careers in the Music Business start with a form of studio training. Audio Institute of Texas (San Antonio) teaches it’s programmed in a world-class studio. AIT is a Music Production school located in the heart of Texas. We teach everything from Pro Tools to Advanced Audio Engineering.
The Music Business is a billion-dollar business; engineers and producers who are highly trained make the most money. AIT is at the head of the class when it comes to instructors. We have the best Audio Engineering School staff in Texas. Some of our trained professionals have been working in this business for over 35 years. Many recording schools in Texas don’t actually have any accredited staff; they have never worked in the Music Business and have a very limited resume when it comes to making real records. AIT is the exception to that rule. Our staff has produced over 120 Radio and Music charted songs and been awarded 2 Grammys, 21 Grammy Nominations, Gold and Platinum Records, and Visionary Awards in Engineering. These are just a few of the accolades our staff at AIT has earned.
So if you are looking for an Audio Production or Music Production school in Texas (San Antonio), come visit AIT first. Email or call us for an appointment:
(210) 317-0364