BM102- Advanced Beat Making

Subject Description : Students will learn advanced recording in Logic with a continued emphasis on producing beats for income. Students will be taught how to start a song from scratch and work with beat and song structure. Each student will be assigned a song to reproduce. Instructor will help students identify chords and keys in song. In addition, instructor will write and produce original song with each student.
Classroom : Recording Studio A
Maximum Instructor/Student Ratio : 7:1
Weeks : Two-week course, weeks 15-16 of six-month program
Performance Objectives : At the end of the course, students will be able to:
1) work proficiently in Logic
2) Understand song arrangement
3) Play basic keys and chords on USB keyboard
4) Produce a full song in Logic with little to no help from instructor.
Contact Hours : 20 Contact Hours, 10 per week including labs
Cost : Included in six-month program, total $12,000
Days/Times : Tuesdays, Thursdays 1 PM – 4 PM, 2 labs to be scheduled on weekly basis with instructor, 2 hours each