AE101- Introduction to Audio Engineering

Subject Description : In AE101, students will learn the basics of Equalization and Compression. Student will be trained to recognize different frequencies in a studio setting. Students will further practice advanced recording on live drums, keyboard, guitar, and vocals. Students will learn to navigate hardware in main studio including different preamps, microphones, and effects units. Students will be required to mix and record with the emphasis on sound rather than software or shortcuts.Students will also be taught the origins of Audio Engineering and introduced to the “old school” methods of recognizing and improving their ear training. Students will also be trained in recording effects to ensure that their application of such is sufficient for industry standards.
Classroom : Recording Studio A
Maximum Instructor/Student Ratio : 7:1
Weeks : Two-week course, weeks 5-6 of six-month program
Performance Objectives : By the end of the course, students will be able to:
1) recognize compression and distinguish different frequencies
2) practice basic mix techniques
3) confidently record live sessions
4) Navigate all relevant studio hardware like patch bays, pre-amps, and effects units.
Contact Hours : 20 Contact Hours, 10 per week including labs
Cost : Included in six-month program, total $12,000
Days/Times : Tuesdays, Thursdays 1 PM – 4 PM, 2 labs to be scheduled on weekly basis with instructor, 2 hours each