BM101- Introduction to Beat Making

Subject Description : BM101 is a combination of Logic Audio Classes and beat creation. Students will be taught the basics of recording in Logic with an emphasis in creating sellable beats. Students will learn to use USB keyboard to produce music. Instructor will break down the structure of beats, time signatures, and tempo changes. Students will produce one song using Logic.
Classroom : Recording Studio A
Maximum Instructor/Student Ratio : 7:1
Weeks : Two-week course, weeks 13-14 of six-month program
Performance Objectives : After this course, students will be able to:
1) Use a USB keyboard to create music
2) Effectively navigate Logic
3) Identify the structure of beats, including time signatures and tempo changes
4) Produce their own track using Logic.
Contact Hours : 20 Contact Hours, 10 per week including labs
Cost : Included in six-month program, total $12,000
Days/Times : Tuesdays, Thursdays 1 PM – 4 PM, 2 labs to be scheduled on weekly basis with instructor, 2 hours each