MB102- Advanced Music Business

Subject Description : MB102 focuses on real-life experience in the daily operations of a label. Building on students’ music business knowledge gained in MB101, students will sit in on meetings between artists and CEO. After each meeting, students will have a chance to discuss with CEO. If new contracts are being drafted by the label, students will help write drafts, using correct language and terminology and examining legal obligations of label and artist. Students will have opportunity to observe, plan, and execute many label operations, including advertisements, new hires, signing artists, music video production, artist photo shoots, physical distribution, album publishing, and more.
Classroom : Recording Studio A
Maximum Instructor/Student Ratio : 7:1
Weeks : Two-week course, weeks 19-20 of six-month program
Performance Objectives : At the end of the course, students will be able to:
1) Identify effective and ineffective label-artist contracts
2) Draft contracts with accurate language, terminology, and format
3)Communicate with artists and engineers effectively as a businessperson
4) Understand the music publishing and distribution processes.
Contact Hours : 20 Contact Hours, 10 per week including labs
Cost : Included in six-month program, total $12,000
Days/Times : Tuesdays, Thursdays 1 PM – 4 PM, 2 labs to be scheduled on weekly basis with instructor, 2 hours each