PT102- Advanced Pro Tools

Subject Description : In the Advanced Pro Tools course, students will gain further knowledge of Pro Tools and apply skills learned in PT101. Students will first learn advanced file management and additional Pro Tools shortcuts. Next students will be trained to record live instrumentals, including guitar, keyboard, vocals, and drums. Students will be trained in headphone mixing and navigating patch bays. Students will sit in and assist with live recording and mixing during and after sessions.
Classroom : Recording Studio B
Maximum Instructor/Student Ratio : 7:1
Weeks : Two-week course, weeks 3-4 of six-month program
Performance Objectives : Upon course completion, students will be able to:
1) Navigate Pro Tools quickly and efficiently
2) Mix headphones for artist and engineer
3) Successfully record a live session
4) Mix during and after a session
5) Navigate every part of patch bays.
Contact Hours : 20 Contact Hours, 10 per week including labs
Cost : Included in six-month program, total $12,000
Days/Times : Tuesdays, Thursdays 1 PM – 4 PM, 2 labs to be scheduled on weekly basis with instructor, 2 hours each